with Dominicks, that is….but first – – –
picked up some more wonderful (Fannie May) chocolate toffee from Hallmark, together with this great card. Not sure, but I think it’s too good to mail. Another pound or so of fudge from Fannie May and elastic waist pants, I’m a comin’.
Wasn’t going to drive to Butera for a couple of lousy pancake mixes (especially since I picked up the free cases at Meijer), but found myself driving past there, so stopped in. You have to understand that many, many years ago (pull up a chair, it’s going to be a while…), before I drifted over to the couponing darkside, I would hit Butera ever week or two because they used to have the most fantastic “deals” on almost-expired products. Yes, in hindsight that’s pathetic… Check the pancake aisle and see the small containers for 1.19 and the 1.99 size with an empty space. Grab two of the puny ones and head up to customer service, where I ask to scan for a price check – 1.19. hmmm. Tell the girl that I thought they were on sale for .99. She calls someone and then starts going through the paper, but doesn’t see it. I tell her that it’s on sale in the Piggly Wiggly ad and (she cuts me off here to saw that they’re not the Pig). I know, but someone purchased it and they’re on sale here. (Again interrupt…) Sometimes the online ads are (so I interrupted her to say that if she would stop interrupting me I could complete my sentences.) Well, she gets huffy and I know she’s about to say we don’t have it on sale when an older woman comes up behind us and says “That’s the small one. It’s the larger one on sale, but we don’t have any.” So I say thank you and hit the road. And go to my nice, clean, well-mannered Jewel, where I placed a special order for another two cases of the Manischewitz chicken broth and get some more free bakery bread and bananas. -insert happy dance here- cue Peanuts song
Dominicks, sigh. All I wanted from you was a few, a precious few, Reese’s cups and some Purina One puny little bags of dog and cat food and the free Pepsi Max. sadly, it was not to be…First they told me I couldn’t use the candy coupons without buying some first (even if it works on the register) and then they tried to mark down the $2 Purina coupons to .99. Now, I’m not going for overage here, I was using 1 coupon on 2 bags, but the day they mark down a coupon and then submit it for the reduced amount...well, I’ll eat my hat. So subtract the candy…subtract the dog and cat food….give me back my coupons and oh, yeah, thanks for the Pepsi Max. Dominicks should really start worrying about their next generation of customers: the current crop appears to be roughly 108.
So that’s it for my wonderful shopping. The sun’ll come up, tomorrow, bet your…