For a long time friends and acquaintances have bugged me about setting up a site on couponing and various deals. Probably they were just tired of hearing me drone on…Am I the champion of couponers? Savior of the supersavers? Nah, I’m just cheap. For years I trudged down to Chicago’s Maxwell Street to glean what treasures could be found. Later I transferred to the thrill of garage/yard sales. For the five years or so I’ve been into extreme couponing, which is buying as much as possible using little or no money. Basically, what you do is stock up on the free/cheap things and then shop in your stockpile. Sounds simple and actually, it is. Does it make sense that the week you need cereal it’s regular priced ($4+) or crappy sale priced at $1.99 when the week before you could have picked up a bunch for less than fifty cents each? Do we smell a rat here? Keep checking back as I try to post as much as I can, on all sorts of great deals. If I say it’s cheap, better believe me.
I’ve been eagerly awaiting the BOGO Papa Charlie’s italian beef coupon in my inbox, but so far, nothing. Have you received yours?
Actually I did get one BOGO coupon previous to my post. I’m on the fence about posting this pdf because Papa Charlie’s has announced that if considerably more coupons are redeemed than people registering, they will pull them all. Obviously, this is not something I want to happen, so I’m on a wait and see mode here. The coupons all expire 10/31, so if nothing appears by Friday, I’ll post the BOGO and everyone can stock up before the Jewel sale ($12.99) ends October 24th.
Lumene order has finally been expidited. 460 units of the Vita C+ Day cream, (0.5) @ 3.99 ea. Will receive be next Thursday. Checkout at Cos Ctr. A Fabulous product for FREE!
could you tell me what ip stands for??