Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from November 16, 2011 into infinity…one hopes…
deranged.me is a personal blog, written, edited and maintained by me, Christian A. Schelthoff. For questions about this blog, please contact me at the email address provided on the Contact tab.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and other forms of compensation (although not the bushels of cash I should by rights be getting). Even though I may receive compensation for advertisements and posts, I always give my honest opinions, and, in point of fact, the amounts aren’t very large. All views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own (obviously!). Any product claim or representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or party in question, as I have no other connection with them other than a post or side bar advertisement.
My blog does not contain anything which might present a conflict of interest. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Disclaimer Policy
deranged.me works hard to post only legitimate offers, coupons, freebies and samples, but since these links and offers are administered by other organizations, I have no control over them and can only state that they are/were valid as of the date and time of posting. deranged.me gives no warranties, expressed or implied, and is not responsible for damages incurred by the users of this site.
Most posts are time and date sensitive – if an offer has lapsed between posting and a reader’s attempt to join in, deranged.me is not responsible – same with an incorrect or broken link, although I will attempt to correct or remove said link while the offer remains open. Every attempt is made to ensure that deals are posted accurately. I’m neither the World’s Greatest Typist nor proof-reader and therefore deranged.me is not responsible for typographical errors.