Hmmm, I seem to see a mark near the bottom on the front of this set of drawers…area must be slipping. Reader says pulls are all nice and intact, though, and those aren’t cheap.
Category Archives: bits from readers
Dumpster Diving – LA style
more LA dumpster shopping
These LA dumpsters are really starting to piss me off…I mean, it’s not like I can just drop everything to shop this one location, right? If I had a truck, though, I’d probably put up in a cheap motel and w a i t like a spider for the good stuff to appear; least I’d get would be inserts! And just think of the bragging rights when someone asks how an unemployed bum can afford all this expensive “new” furniture…
letters from my canine readers – not my opinion – real dogs!
I periodically get emails from dogs who enjoy the site (wait, does Google Analytics even have a canine category? ).
Here’s the latest email – I’ve taken out the names ’cause he’s shy…why does a dog who licks his butt (I presume) in public even care?
Let’s see, what’s new around here? I continue to beat the alpha bitch to the back of the yard when we’re let out and that pisses her off, so it’s fun to do. Oh, and get this, Owner had the gall to leave me outside for ten minutes to see if maybe I’d play or as she put it “be a real dog” and get my dose of vitamin D. I stood outside the door, scratched up the paint and bitched at her. I mean, really? Who the hell does she think she is? Hasn’t she heard of skin cancer? I needed to be inside to monitor her floor scrubbing skills.
Owner has been “working” 90-110 hours a week. I take my job as muse/supervisor seriously and sit between her calves while she’s on the computer. Every once in awhile I roll my eyes at her to remind her that she really needs to get a handle on her time management skills.
I’ve been forced to eat grain free dog food and for one week my eye goop cleared up. Owner started to get excited, so I made sure to get the eye goop back. I can’t let her feel victorious and get too big for her britches. She’s fat enough; go up another size and our chairs might break.
I have to say the other dogs here are pretty stupid. I’ve always known I was superior to them on so many levels, but we were taking turns chasing each other and I jumped into a hole that “panicky colitis boy” dug and the other dogs ran right over me. They couldn’t find me! I stuck my head up and showed Owner my tooth so she knew where I was and that I was okay and then I hunkered back down in my hiding spot. Those idiots sniffed all around the yard and came up empty.
The Nana woman who sends me pieces of plastic in the mail is coming for a visit. While I’ve been promised many more treats if I’m good, I’ve also been warned that I can’t run around her feet in a circle or throw myself down in front of her and beg for a belly rub or possibly trip her. I’ve already let it be known that since she’s not my blood relative, I don’t have to participate, other than spilled food cleanup duty (if it’s something good).
Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day!
Dumpster-diving LA style
trick for separating egg yolks & whites
This YouTube video came from Handimania, sent to MUM and me by a sharp-eyed reader. Rachel, of course, posted immediately, while I sat there, mesmerized, going “How cool is this!!!” and PITA and I just watched it again…
Which once again proves I need a life. Watch because it shows an incredibly fast and easy way to separate yolks and whites and the entire video is less than 2 minutes long.
more dumpster-diving LA-style
more freebies (gum!) with 7-11 APP
I posted this 7-11 APP last February but never bothered to register Going to sign up right now ’cause a reader sent in the following (she obviously was smart enough to download the 7-11 APP and register for an account).
Another free item in the 7-Eleven iphone/droid app today! Valid 6/6 to 6/9: Free Orbit or 5 gum micro pack (6 ct). The photo in the app shows them costing 69 cents and I found 4 flavors of both kinds in a display at the register, not with the regular gum and candy. They’re advertising the twitter hash #AWEsummer.. so maybe 7-11 is giving away free stuff every few days all summer??
free candy – chocolates – every month
gymnastics & adult fitness class discount in Northlake area
Daria emailed me (and it promptly got lost in the shuffle – sorry!) about a local gymnastics program she and her husband run. In her own words:
I was wondering if you could possibly mention the local gymnastics program that my husband and I run. We have been running this community program for 7 years now, using the West Leyden High School gymnastics facility in Northlake. Our hope is to move into our own facility in the Leyden Township area within the next year or two. We offer classes from 3-18 years for gymnastics and an Adult Fitness class where parents can workout too while their kids are in class. This is a dedicated, family-run business where we know all of our students’ names, and I plan to keep it that way as we continue to expand. Our website is Anyone can fill out the quick form online so we can set them up with a FREE trial class. Also, I will also do an extra $5 off the first month’s tuition if “GODDESS” is mentioned.
So there it is, folks. If any of you are in the area, check them out. I know it ain’t rocket science to run the adult programs at the same time as the kids classes.
Daria also says she’s been following this site and MUM’s for about a year – hell’s bells women, you should be able to sell your stockpile for enough $$ for that new facility!