In case you’re not sure how you rank on the societal scale of class, here’s a site ( that offers a ton of fun tests to take. They don’t ask for any personal information; all ask questions and you move a slider bar that most accurately describes your feelings, etc. I took the food test and found my tastes are all pretty much middle class (okay, I like potatoes and fish sticks and pass of caviar); I am also a very easy person to get along with (don’t you dare disagree or you’ll go on the list!). Take the Sociopath Test and let us know the results 🙂
Category Archives: All the news that fits
Let’s not mess with kid vaccines, okay?
I had German measles, chicken pox and mumps growing up. I remember being kept in a darkened room for mumps, because the light hurt my eyes; I don’t remember much more, except it hurt to swallow, so maybe a mild case and I was young. Chicken pox as a preteen – oh, god, the itching and being told not to scratch when that would have been better than Christmas morning – I would have easily traded my brother for relief. Wait, would that be a bad thing? And chicken pox leaves scars, some deep, some shallow. So you can bet your ass my kids were vaccinated. A story on six childhood nightmares in the New York Times that you can read for free as part of my subscription. And no, I don’t agree with every vaccine currently being pushed, but these have withstood the test of time.
Next year we’ll be living in the past?
Here’s another NYT article which you can read in full for free – I seem to be on a roll here!
During filming for “Meet Me in St. Louis” in 1943, Garland did not want to sing what she saw as an overly melancholic song.
An early version, written by Hugh Martin (Ralph Blane shared writing credits), had harsher lyrics than the ones we know today: “Have yourself a merry little Christmas; it may be your last,” went the draft. “Next year, we may all be living in the past.”
“I cannot sing that,” Garland told Martin, according to John Fricke, a Judy Garland biographer and friend of Martin. “The audiences will think I’m a monster singing that lyric to that little girl,” Garland said.
Martin stewed about this and then vowed to completely rewrite the song. But Tom Drake, who played Garland’s neighbor and paramour in the film, sought to preserve the melody, taking Martin out for coffee and pushing him not to scrap it.
Frank Sinatra still thought they were too dark and insisted on more changes in his 1957 recording. Martin obliged: “Next year, all our troubles will be out of sight” became “From now on, our troubles will be out of sight.” Another line, “Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow,” became “Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.”
Why squat? Stand tall with the boys
The gift was a personal urination tool that allows people with vaginas to stand when they urinate. “Gross!” my teenage daughter groaned.
Here’s another NYT article, also free for all to read without a subscription. After reading, I realized it might just be a deal-maker for long road trips having combo trees/disgusting gas station restrooms or times out on a campsite – who among us has not squatted out of view? – so here’s a link to Amazon
Are you crunchy enough yet?
There’s an article in today’s New York Times about crunchy folks, those people who were called weirdos for vegetarianism, making their own cleaning products, etc. Most would have tilted left, politically. Now, they’re non-political social influencers. Isn’t everyone a social influencer by now?
I’m here to tell you that making butter, laundry soap, raising bees and chickens doesn’t make you crunchy. I still make my own detergent and butter because it’s way cheaper and incredibly easy and fast. I do miss the smell of Tide, but lavender is a very pleasant substitute. I also use only white vinegar in the rinse dispenser so my clothes are wrinkle-free (no, there is no smell after drying either in the dyer or on an outside line – yes, I do that, too). And boy, are my towels super-absorbent!
Here’s a link to the NYT article, free for all without a subscription as I subscribe and am allowed a number of stories to share. Also btw, I keep lots of my grains, etc. in glass jars to keep them fresher.
Barnes & Noble to return Spring ’25
Is the P&G insert back 12/15?
One brandSAVER in this week’s paper (12/15), a full insert devoted to P&G coupons. We haven’t seen one of those in a couple of years now. Not all papers carry the same coupons or values, so this national list might show coupons not found in the Chicago Tribune.
brandSAVER (P&G?)
Always Radiant, Infinity or Pure Cotton Pads 10ct or higher (excluding trial/travel size) $2.00/1 (1/4)
Always Ultra Think Pad or Maxi Pad 14ct or higher (excluding trial/travel size) $2.00/1 (1/4)
Bounce Sheets 60ct or larger, WrinkleGuard Sheets 30ct or larger, Paradise Blossom Sheets 30ct or larger, Pet Hair & Lint Guard Sheets 30ct or larger, or Fresh Breeze Sheets 30ct or larger, Lasting Fresh Sheets 30ct or larger (excluding trial/travel size) $1.00/1 (1/4)
Down Rinse & Refresh, Tide Clean Boost, Gain Rinse & Renew, or Dreft Fabric Rinse Product 16oz or larger (excluding trial/travel size) $1.50/1 (1/4)
Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0 oz or larger including Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton, Infusions, Comfy Cozy, and Blends $1.00/1 (1/4)
Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 44oz or larger including Downy Ultra Soft 26oz or larger, Cozy Collection 38oz or larger, or WrinkleGuard 48oz or larger (excluding Downy Fresh 50 oz & 125 oz, and trial/travel size) $1.00/1 (1/4)
Dreft Power PODS 18-45ct (excluding trial/travel size) $3.00/1 (1/4)
Febreze Plug Scent Booster (excluding trial/travel size) $5.00/1 (12/21)
Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 100oz including Gain Happy or Relax Liquid Fabric Softener 71oz, Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 9.1-13.4oz, Sheets 180-240ct including Mega Sheets 130ct (excluding Rinse, Flings, Ultra Flings, Liquid/Powder Laundry Detergent, Essential Oils and trial/travel size) $2.00/1 (1/4)
Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 154oz or larger, Gain Flings 60-112ct, Super Sized Flings 32-45ct, Liquid Fabric Softener 140oz, Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 18.2oz (excluding Powder Laundry Detergent, Rinse, Essential Oils, Sheets, and trial/travel size) $3.00/1 (1/4)
Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 46oz, Flings 14-16ct, Liquid Fabric Softener 35oz, Fireworks In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0oz, Sheets 105ct, Mega Sheets 60ct (excluding Gain Powder Laundry Detergent, Rinse, Ultra Flings, Essential Oils, trial/travel size) $1.00/1 (1/4)
Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 65-88oz, Flings 24-31ct, Super Sized Flings 18ct (excluding Powder Laundry Detergent, Rinse, Liquid Fabric Softeners, Essential Oils, Fireworks, Sheets and trial/travel size) $2.00/1 (1/4)
Herbal Essences Pure Plant Essences Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products (excluding Dual Packs, Masks 100mL Shampoo & Conditioners, and trial/travel size) $3.00/1 (12/21)
Olay – BUY ONE Olay Facial Moisturizer, Eyes or Serum and GET ONE Olay Cleansing Melts 12ct FREE (up to $5.00)(excluding Super Serum, Super Eyes, Minis and trial/travel size) (12/21)
Olay Cleansing Melts 32ct (excluding trial/travel size) $1.00/1 (12/21)
Olay Facial Moisturizer, Eyes, or Serum Products (excluding Super Serum, Super Eyes, Complete, Active Hydrating, Total Effects, Age Defying, Minis, and trial/travel size) $10.00/2 (12/21)
Olay Super Serum or Super Eyes (excluding Minis and trial/travel size) $5.00/1 (12/31)
Swiffer Refill (excluding trial/travel size) $1.00/1 (12/21)
Tampax Tampons 14ct or higher (excluding Tampax Cardboard Tampons and trial/travel size) $2.00/1 (1/4)
Tide Laundry Detergent 34 oz or larger, Tide PODS 12ct or larger, or Tide Power PODS 9ct or larger (excluding Tide Rinse, purclean, Rescue, Studio by Tide, Tide Simply, Simply PODS, 10 oz and trial/travel sizes) $1.00/1 (1/4)
Future Predictions – – from 2009
Albertsons sues Kroger over dead deal
Walgreens to go private equity route?
That stupid Walgreens Boots Alliance is considering selling to a private equity firm – a move that would take the publicly traded company private, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
Deerfield-based Walgreens has been in discussions with Sycamore Partners over a deal that could be completed early next year, the Journal wrote, citing unnamed “people familiar with the matter.”
A Walgreens spokesperson declined to comment on the report Tuesday, telling the Tribune, “we don’t comment on rumors or speculation about our business.” A spokesperson for Sycamore also declined to comment.
Walgreens’ stock shot up 21% on the news early Tuesday afternoon. Well, of course it did – closing a bunch of losing proposition stores didn’t help, nor did so many of their other business decisions over the past five years or so. I can remember when I practically slept on a cot in the back to run deals, but now I weeks and weeks without a visit. Maybe bringing back an ad would help – just a thought. Click the link for the full article which appeared in today’s Tribune.