Ultra shopping for the 17th

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  I’m going to give you a rundown of what I purchased for $30.75 at Ultra and compare it to the same or comparable items at Jewel (sorry, Jewel, but you’re gonna lose big time):

Centrella corned beef was $1.48/lb vs. $1.99 for comparable at Jewel.
cabbage was 10¢ a pound vs 3/$1 at Jewel.
dozen large eggs were 78¢ vs $1.79 at Jewel.
El Milagro tortillas were the same price, 39¢.

The Van de Kamp fish sticks were $1.88 – I used a rain check from last month – now they’re $4.79!

Centralla cheese blocks were 99¢ – I used a rain check from last month.

Picked up a 5-lb bag of carrots for $3.99 and a large bag of small red potatoes for 3 lb/$1; sweet potatoes were 50¢ a pound.

The corned beef, cabbage and eggs along would have been almost $6 more this week at Jewel – I can’t say what the difference in other things are, although Jewel has their green grapes on sale for $1.28 and they’re 88¢ at Ultra.  This is definitely the week to be at Ultra, although it pains me to say so…

Posted in I Can't Believe It!, Jewel

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