Tomorrow becomes today…

Whew!  Talk about whirlwind shopping.  First I hit Jewel for 16 of the Fuze drinks; this is high tax peeps, so plan on spending at least a few pennies.  Nobody needs to see a picture of 16 bottles!

Then off to Meijer, where even a peripatetic Meijer shopper like me knows to stop at the cs desk first to see what’s out of stock.  First day of a sale and they’re already out of the Smart Balance milk (got rain check for 6 – the limit) and the free w/ purchase Mrs. Ts spinach and feta Pierogies (got a rain check for 2 free).  I was able to get 8 of the Maxwell House coffees for .27 each, after the $1 cat.  Note that, like the previous sale, not all coffees are the same price.  The breakfast blend is the only one for $1.79, so get 2, use two coupons and a $1 MFR cat spits out, which I then used on the next transaction.  Obviously I ran this in multiple transactions, to get the $1 coffee cat each time, which leads into my next comment – I’m missing some receipts!  Guessing on the total for Meijers…$7.50?  Bananas are heavy, so maybe a quarter more.

Off to DG next.  Took 54 cans of Libby’s vegetables (mostly kernel corn), 2 Gain (all they had) and 5 Franks hot sauce for a total of $ 7.36.  PITA is busily clipping more  Libby coupons even as we speak; I’m going back with another 55 coupons (165 cans) for $19.25 plus low tax, so less than twenty bucks.  Note: DG’s registers won’t take off the entire $1/3, probably the same glitch as the Target ones.  However, DG is not out to cheat you and will break up the coupon value into .40/.40/.20 for each one.  Yes, a royal pain in the ass for both parties, but what else can you do?

Finally, an oddity:  you’ll be relieved to learn that this was not found in the grocery section…

Posted in Jewel, Meijer

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