This reader plans to donate most of the bags. I am in awe of your resolve, people! I gave up after nine boxes ’cause SC was giving me the stink eye – I mean, he knows we don’t generate that much garbage…
2 thoughts on “The freakin’ Wall of Hefty”
That’s awesome!
I was only able to get 6 of the lawn bags. Then spent 20 minutes at customer service whilst them figuring out how much to put on the rain check because surely 54 cents a box was not enough.
That’s awesome!
I was only able to get 6 of the lawn bags. Then spent 20 minutes at customer service whilst them figuring out how much to put on the rain check because surely 54 cents a box was not enough.
Oh Dominick’s in Shorewood….
I am so sad that I didn’t get that JFU and couldn’t do this deal! Happy for all of you though!