Ooh, ooh, ooh

or stuff I keep forgetting to post about…

If you’re looking for the $70 Football coupon booklets, avoid the Danada Square Dominicks.  An empty display at the front door with no other display anywhere in the entire friggin’ store and most employees clueless.  Asked at cs and the young man gave me one.  You know you’re screwed when they’ve turned young men into coupon nazis.

Update on the K-Clark $25 Jewel gift card rebates: Peeps who sent in for their rebates within the first few days of the promotion have already started getting their cards in the mail.  Catch is that they are coming CERTIFIED MAIL!  Yep, so far it’s 100%, so if you get a notice in your mailbox, that’s what it is.  Please notify any and all who may or may not be getting a gift card in the mail so they’re aware of it…

Posted in Dominicks, Jewel

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4 thoughts on “Ooh, ooh, ooh

  1. yeah they do the same thing up here in the boondocks…but at least I can get one per shopping trip….better than nothing at all!

  2. “You know you’re screwed when they’ve turned young men into coupon nazis.”

    *snort* I walked into Safeway to get a few, and a young man was sitting behind a card table with the booklets on it. I asked if I could have a booklet or two, and he looked up at me and said monotone “One.”


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