Finally sat down to watch Season 3 of Extreme Couponing. This time around it’s a battle between two coupon “superstars,” Carla and Faatima (you might remember her as the large family from Detroit who want to move to Hawaii and ship their stockpile…which would be the cheaper part of their airfare, if you catch my meaning, if you get my drift). These two women have been couponing for maybe a year (insert woot here) and they know it all. So this season the idea is to pit two of these self-proclaimed couponing queens against each other to spend at least $500 with a minimum of 16 different items purchased; winner is determined by how large a percentage is taken off the total through coupon usage. All groceries purchased are donated to charity and the winner proceeds to the next level with the final prize being: The Golden Shopping Cart. i kid you not… cue willy wonka music
Barely half-way into the show and PITA’s saying “why are we watching this? It’s boring.” And I can hardly answer between yawns. Yes, it’s that boring. Both are shopping in double coupon stores, which only pisses me off, frankly. Even without that bit, though, I’d have to say two thumbs down ’cause it’s boring as hell – I’d rather wash my kitchen floors..
Seriously, I stopped watching during the last season and have no interest in watching now … not until they start shopping in areas that don’t double coupon will I start watching again. I do like the idea of giving the shoppers some guidelines though. Got really sick of watching those shoppers only buying a few items, but hundreds and hundreds of them, just to hike up the total. A more realistic extremer would be nice. Good that they are donating all the items!
You do realize that the only reason they are donating is because the backlash from prior seasons and shows. First season features coupon fraud (as most people define it), people hording large quantities of noodles and it wasn’t until they had that divinity student and his wife who donated the entire basement of clothing and food that people started commenting favorably. Trust me, the producers aren’t stupid – they’re gonna go with every wind that blows to attract viewers. But even they can’t contrive enough drama to sustain a 21 minutes show. ask PITA…