Why does BF shopping make me crazy(er)?

Couldn’t figure out why today was such a bore.  Couldn’t see what all the hoopla was about.  Putting “Door Buster” and 60% off or more signs on everything doesn’t make it a deal.  My husband was talking on the way to the gym (and no, I was not going to work out, silly!  I just plop my fat ass in the steam room and cook the low-pressure way), about all the people on the news raving about what great deals they were getting.  He said that it’s the same thing I do day after day, and if people really wanted to save money they’d shop more like me.

That’s when it hit me that he was right (that in itself was a shocker, I’ll admit).  So that’s why the whole BF media blitz doesn’t work for me.  I prefer to shop during normal hours, in well-stocked stores, with clerks and cashiers readily available to answer questions and ring up sales in a timely fashion…none of which was happening today, bucky.

So tomorrow?  Hit another PetSmart or two, maybe a Hallmark store, possibly check out Target, but from now on, my deals are going to be made from the comfort of my own home (probably Amazon).  ’cause unless you’re running Black Friday shopping as a competitive sport, it ain’t worth it.

Posted in Amazon

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2 thoughts on “Why does BF shopping make me crazy(er)?

  1. Amen!! I spent my BF not getting up early and hitting PetsMart, Hallmark and Target around 2 in the afternoon to score about $200 in people food, pet food and birthday cards that will last me long past Christmas for a mere $50. I really don’t understand the people who think the way I shop is crazy….to me, they are the crazy ones still paying full price for everything!

  2. During Thanksgiving, my brother made the point that he doesn’t pay full price; I think he confuses Costco and Sam’s Club memberships (yes, both) with real savings. If I have a basement full of items my family uses constantly, then why isn’t it easier and smarter to stock up when those items are free/cheap and just run down (instead of going to the store) to retrieve them when needed. I’m glad some people understand what I consider common sense shopping!

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