Taste my salty nutz?

Well of course I’m talking about the great deal on Fisher nuts at Jewel.  What did you think I was talking about?   what! pervs…

Picked up another 9 packages of the Kraft string cheese (they had mozzarella and twists) for $2.74 each.  I’ve told the Lisle Jewel to stock up on the Fisher nuts because the price is just fantastic:  2/$5, less the $1 coupons in 2/13 S for 10 oz cans.  So you see pictured here 9 cheese and 10 cans of nuts.  I’ll return tomorrow with the Fischer coupons and pick up some more cans.  The total was $40.53, but I used three of the Con-agra cats, leaving me with the ability to use nine coupons.

Note: Beware of the smoked and the cinnamon sugar almonds:  they are an unmarked clearance, ringing up at $3.99 which is more than the sale price.

Posted in Jewel

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