Okay, we all know how I got shot down on the Carnation price match at Walmart earlier today. Not that big a deal because I have an order for 40 at Dollar General. Stopped in to grab ten and three packs of the Healthy Smile dog treats (found one more coupon that expires – today!). Their registers still don’t accept the .55/2 mfr coupons, but the managers are able to override.
I’ve officially given up trying to decipher Target receipts: You cannot, no way, not no how figure out what goes with what. Suffice to say the I got two of these Batman Cave toys and eight pasta sides. Coupons are now printing out with Limit One per guest wording, which is getting more and more weird. Would you drive all the way to Target (or heck, even stop if you were driving by!) to redeem one Target coupon along with four like on the other stuff? I thought not. But the employees have been very sweet to me in Lombard, so it’s not a pan on them at all. And the toys are all immense! This Bat Cave was not the largest by any stretch of the imagination! Whatever happened to those little Matchbox Cars?