December Crock-Pot promotions

Shipping is FREE for all orders $38+ during the month of December – no code needed.

Buy an iStir Crock-Pot (SCCPVC600AS-P) and get a red lunch crock free (SCCPLC200-R-NP) with coupon code L3CFCJA.  Using various paddles, the iStir automatically stirs the contents once every 30 minutes, to ensure thorough mixing. The lunch crock sells for $19.99 – it’s cute!


$10 OFF NEW! Crock-Pot® Hook Up™ Connectable Entertaining System 3-Piece Set, Metallic Charcoal SCCPMDKIT-CH bundle.  Use coupon code X3CFCJA and get 20% off this product..

Crock-Pot Cyber Monday – hey I can only work with what I’m given

SCCPBC600-S-1Crock-Pot Cyber Monday: $20 Off Stainless Slow-Cooker with promo code 93CECJB (12/2 Only).  This digital slow-cooker allows you to set the time anywhere from 30 minutes to 20 hours – no more high-low-medium settings!

20% off NFL & Collegiate Crock-Pots: 2 day sale

20131029-crockpot-slider-desktop-TEAM20Through November 1st, Get 20% Off All NFL & Collegiate Crock-Pot® Slow Cookers with promo code TEAMCJ.  The 2.5 qt capacity ones are $29.99; the 6 qt cook-and-carry ones are $59.99.  Free standard shipping on orders over $50.