NOTE: Don’t forget that the $12.99 sale price at Jewel ends Sunday, 10/24. If they don’t have any in stock, make sure you get a rain check for however many you can cram in your freezer. The printables expire 10/31.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, registering with the fine folks (open for pay-offs here, peeps) at Papa Charlie’s would get you a pdf coupon for $5 off the 5 lb tub of Italian beef. People who registered earlier also got a BOGO pdf coupon and there were rumors that the manufacturer would be sending out another one. Nothing new has turned up, so, as promised, here is my gift to you: Papa Charlies BOGO coupon. Make certain that you register before you use this coupon since Papa Charlie’s has said that if considerably more coupons are redeemed than actual people registered, they will yank them all (and, obviously, make changes to future coupons). Hurry to Jewel where the 5 lb tubs are on sale through 10/24 for $12.99, which gives you 10 lbs for $7.99 ($12.99 x 2 less BOGO q less $5).
This is seriously good Italian beef, folks. While not as good as my homemade (clap, clap, clap), you can add a little bit of olive oil and a dash of hot sauce (free Franks) and it’s now become your own!
Side note: Jewel coupon policy allows redemption of printables up to and including $5; a BOGO printable is allowed, even if it’s for more, since you are required to purchase one item to get the second (it’s not “FREE”). now to play freezer tetris with the GG…
Thanks for the bogo q…but seriously, what is the fascination with this stuff?? Can ya tell I’m not from here?? I’ve catered business lunches, gotten great whoppin’ pans of this stuff and they were scarfed down in no time at all as people were like, ooooh, Italian beef!! its boiled beef!! wth? They came for the free lunch but did we get any additional business?? noooo
and how long does it take a family to go thru 5 pounds of this?? all week?? its for lunch isn’t it, not dinner? i don’t get it.
and I did register with Papa Charlies so don’t feel guilty about printing the bogo.
“it’s boiled beef? wth?” LOVE IT!!
Thanks a bunch for the coupon! I also registered and was eagerly awaiting my coupon. I even emailed corporate and tried to get one that way. . . don’t MAKE me to go Portillo’s for my boiled beef fix! That guy never gives out coupons!
Grab the popcorn, folks, we’re gonna have us a catfight! No? OK, I’ll be nice.
It’s actually not boiled beef (which would toughen it), just simmered slowly for long enough to make sure the beef is tender and flavorful. And trust me, the ten pounds I heated did not last that long; I’m probably gonna pick up another 2 tubs today for the week-end. It’s not just for lunch, but a dinner-when-you’re-pressed-for-time meal; nuke a few packages of GG and you’re set in minutes. I can remember growing up to Gaucho beef – now that was a nasty mouthful.
well, there’s gonna be a cat fight now, cause 2 Jewels, St chas and Batavia refused to take the internet printable for the free item cause it was over $5.
I’d really like to try this stuff, got 2 sets of q’s.
Your printable is NOT over $5, but exactly $5. Jewel coupon policy in this instance reads:
Internet Coupons printed from a website are redeemable with a qualifying purchase. Jewel-Osco DOES NOT accept internet coupons containing the following conditions:
Coupons that have expired
‘Free’ product offers that do not require a purchase
Redemption value exceeding $5.00
Absence of UPC bar code
Absence of Legal paragraph
Sheesh! I posted this earlier, people! My advice to everyone experiencing any issues with coupons is to have cs pull out their manual and READ the damned book. So many times you’ll find that only the mgrs know what’s going on – the rest of the staff operate on hearsay and gossip.
The redemption value on the free one does exceed $5 and it was a manager who read it.
I suggest going to another Jewel, then, since I’ve had no problems with redeeming this pair of coupons at any time during the past few weeks. Sometimes you just have to leave to avoid a pissing match (just pretend it’s Dominicks!) since your store is dead-set on interpreting that one rule differently.
Is it worth a call to corporate? Nah, no reason to get anybody in trouble if you have an otherwise good relationship with the store. Now, if these coupons start appearing on a regular basis…
i was refused at two jewels today as well, but not because of the $5 printable but because i was trying to use it with a BOGO….she said one BOGO attaches to both items, even though I am about99.9% sure that is not true with jewel and i used a bogo plus a X off on mr clean items during P&G with no issues.
Kristine: You are correct in your coupon usage. The BOGO gives you the second item free when you buy the first item. The $5 printable goes off the FIRST item. Here is Jewel’s official policy and the applicable section:
Coupon Acceptance Information:
Manufacturer Coupons:
Buy 1 Get One Free and Cents off coupons. A customer may use a B1G1Free manufacturer coupon and a manufacturer cents off coupon on the one item that is being purchased as long as the coupons do not exceed the price of the item. (e.g. customer purchases 2 cans of Bush’s Beans, they have a B1G1Free manufacturer coupons and present a $1 off coupon, as long as the price of the 2 cans of beans exceed a $1 both coupons may be redeemed).
If you are denied this legitimate use of a couple, have cs read the section in their manual. Stand your ground.
Went to Jewel today and the beef price of $12.99 is good through 11/07……picked up a couple more, gonna leave the rest for the rest I have shared the Q’s with…..thanks
Wow! Thank you for the price update. Last time I checked on Saturday night, the shelf tag read through 10/24, so two more weeks of cheap meat! well, maybe that came out wrong…