Mexican Jewel has WTs!

¡hola! from Little Mexico aka Woodridge.  I had no idea that 75th Street divided the US and Mexico.  Well, you certainly can learn something new every day… I used to shop here because they had the best selection of pierogies – I had just assumed they were Polish.

Ran the deal two times, only difference was the bottle of bleach.  Found a $10.62 ham!  Not as good as Rachel’s $10.57, but I’m trying.  The 200 ct Kleenex was .20 cheaper here and the 110 ct was .10 cheaper – rest was the same.  Make sure you check each box to see that you are not only getting the 110 and the 200 ct boxes (since we know these UPCs work), but check the shelf tags for prices so that your total before tax will still reach $25.

Stopped off at Wags and picked up the almonds using the Jingle store cat.  Their Similac was $4.79(!), and couldn’t see any of the $4.99 games.

Posted in Jewel

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3 thoughts on “Mexican Jewel has WTs!

  1. LOVE those meat WTs! I’m thinking you should be able to stack them with the Jewel and DOMs ham store coupons since the WTs are mannies. (Nice overage for your $10.62 hams!!) May be a ymmv because they do say “no double couponing” in small print. Depends upon how your cashier interprets that sentence . . .

  2. Great idea, Beth, but I’m really leery about having any generic mfr coupon show up on the receipt I send in for the Jewel gift card (which is why I’m not using RRs). This may be a small potatoes operation in Florida handling the deal and I don’t want to strain their brains. just gimme my card! So far I’ve mailed out 3 and have 2 more to complete tonight or tomorrow – I need a larger circle of non-couponing friends… By the way, I’m sitting here plowing through a box of Fannie May that a delightful person was kind enough to gift me. hehehehe

  3. Funny you mentioned Fannie May ~ I just polished off a milk chocolate & almonds bar!
    I can see why you don’t want to use the meat WTs with the rebate deal. Just be sure to use them before they expire. Only about 2 weeks until January 4th. AND the coffee WTs expire on January 2nd!

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