Libby’s vegetables $1 a case


The new Dollar General ad has a Sunday-Wednesday sale on Libby’s vegetables – 3/$1.  The 11/20 rp has a $1/4 which plays nicely when you buy in multiples of 12 (a case).  My OOP was $5.15 for the five cases.

I first tried running this deal at an actual Dollar General but the register kept spitting out the 3/$1 price and charging me 80¢ per can price when I used a coupon.  Even the manager was unable to override the price; said they’d had a software update within the week.  The cashier was a couponer and believe me, if she could have, she would have.  So I just grabbed the ad, thanked them and headed over to price match at Walmart.  I’ll pick up more cases over the next couple of days because this is probably the cheapest you’ll see canned veggies and the dates are 2019.

Posted in Dollar General, Wal Mart

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