Let’s not mess with kid vaccines, okay?

I had German measles, chicken pox and mumps growing up.  I remember being kept in a darkened room for mumps, because the light hurt my eyes; I don’t remember much more, except it hurt to swallow, so maybe a mild case and I was young.  Chicken pox as a preteen – oh, god, the itching and being told not to scratch when that would have been better than Christmas morning – I would have easily traded my brother for relief.  Wait, would that be a bad thing?  And chicken pox leaves scars, some deep, some shallow. So you can bet your ass my kids were vaccinated.  A story on six childhood nightmares in the New York Times that you can read for free as part of my subscription.  And no, I don’t agree with every vaccine currently being pushed, but these have withstood the test of time.

Posted in All the news that fits

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