Lemon Tree in DG

Think I told you about Lemon Tree emailing $10 coupons for produce a couple of weeks ago — which I promptly forgot about.  Got another one which expired today but they are having a 25% off produce sale, so that kinda made it imperative that I haul my fat can over.  Well, the produce is absolutely beautiful (which explains the picture) and the prices are not crazy-high.  In fact, their price for cabbage is just what I paid at Jewel two days ago…like PITA said, even if it were more, it’s better quality.  So my produce and salami (which was about $4) came to $3.54. I should probably point out that this was monster-sized fruit, for the most part.  No puny apples or pears here!

Another nice thing is that they had a tremendous variety of apples and pears – a couple of different size pomegranates, Organic Girl greens…danger, will robinson territory for produce-lovers.

Posted in lemon tree

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