Jewel – trip 1

I need to hit Jewel at 5 ’cause that’s 24 hrs after my last visit with this card! This one has the magic $2 off HC Mixers on it and we certainly don’t want to do anything to screw it up.  So stopped earlier and picked up two duplicate orders:  7 HC mixers and 3 Eagle condensed milks.  Total was high because I still have not received my coupons so only had the six .55 Eagle coupons.  With them I would have had an OOP of $3.07 all for the condensed milk, so that’s not bad. I’m pissed about the mail because they keep screwing with the route.  We’ve gone from one mailman every 7 or 8 years to increasing the size of the route, then having three mailmen in six months, then throwing substitutes into the mix.   Is it any wonder that the new mailmen confuse our street with ones with completely different names and locations? So yes, I’m pissed about it and I want my coupons!

Posted in Jewel

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