Jewel Redux OOP $3.22

Started thinking about the Ice Mountain deal and how the price was probably going to switch tomorrow morning early, so decided to head out one more time.  I picked up 4 more waters, 3 hot dogs, 2 Crystal Lights (also part of the $5/5 Kraft deal) and about 10 pounds of bananas since Jewel was having a two-day sale  for .38/lb.  The Crystal Light is on sale for $1.79, so with a $1 coupon and $1 from the catalina, it’s a .21 MM.

So now I’m up to 18 of the pots stickers.  Some people on other sites have already picked up 3 and 4 pans already; oh, well, the tortoise will eventually get them.

My husband says that I should clear off the table ’cause my junk is all over.  So in case you didn’t know peeps, I am a slob.

Posted in Jewel

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