The Con Agra catalina deal is working in full force right now. This is the time of year when you stock up until next year’s sale. That’s why I’m getting more OR popcorn (exp. dates 7/2010). Buy 7 boxes for $11.83 and get back $10. Or, in my case, use a $10 cat from a prior deal and put out $1.83 plus tax. In this transaction I grabbed the last three gummy vitamins on the shelf to use up some of my coupons. Everything worked well and I got another 2 stamps. Go pots!
I’m going back to the store in a bit to place a special order for a couple of cases of Wesson cooking oil, since there was none on the shelf. This is a hot one, folks. You buy 5 oils and end up spending $12.50 and then get back $10. Keep rolling the cats and you’re a winner…