Jewel cat alert – We Need Deals!

CW posted about a Con Agra $25/10 cat running 2/10 – 16 at Jewel.  Current information (sketchy) is as follows:

Hunts snack pack $1 ring  $1.90
CBAD $1 ring $1.10
Healthy Choice Soup $1.25 ring $2.25
Hunts canned tomatoes $1 ring $1.45
Hunts Pasta Sauce $1 ring $1.60
pam $2.5
gouldens $1 ring $2
manwhich $1 ring $1.30

Obviously there are going to be lots more items and coupon match-ups, but this is a starter for you…a teaser you might say.   Don’t forget that there are lots of juicy coupons in the newest Dominicks $70 coupon booklet; Con Agra also mails out coupon booklets several times a year.

Posted in Jewel

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3 thoughts on “Jewel cat alert – We Need Deals!

  1. I have followed your website through the recommendations of a few of my friends and love reading all of the great deals. I was just wondering if you have heard anything else about the Con Agra deal or any other products that are going to be associated with it and their costs. This is going to be my first time doing this deal so any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Tawney Brady

    • The deal is supposed to start on the 10th, but will probably start the day before (it always has in the past). So far we know a few items, among them the Snapple 6 pks, which DD with the mail in rebate. I could post the UPCs but as of right now, it’s better to wait because, with the exception of a few items, the prices will be better starting Thursday (the Thursday ad scans should start appearing on Monday afternoon, so we’ll see). If this is your first cat, I’ll post a couple of possibles. Always remember that it has to hit the target number of $25; not $24.99, or .95. Don’t hit it, you lose the cat. Best advice I could give you on all Con Agra cats in general is to make sure to have an additional item or two in your cart in case you are shy of the mark. Just because a shelf price says one thing doesn’t mean the same price scans.

      In no particular order: Healthy Choice entrees; HC steamers; HC soups; Kid Cuisine; Marie Callender; Rosarita; Hunts BBQ sauce; Pam spray; PP peanut butter (buy Skippy at Wags this week for free, unless you prefer PP); RediWhip; some kind of caramel corn – possibly Poppycock?; Wesson Oil (should be about .50 after cat – I’ve still got a case from last deal); Hunt snack packs; Dr. Pepper and that soda family; Banquet frozens; Swiss Miss; Brown n serve sausages.

      Again, knowing the items doesn’t mean anything because it’s the price spread that makes the deal – well, that and any coupons. And there will probably be more items added as we get nearer the sale date. So far there’s no mention of OR popcorn and that stuff’s always on it. And I haven’t seen any Rotel or Hunt’s tomatoes yet…

      My best advice would be to do one deal at a time. In other words, just put those items in your cart for that one transaction. Make sure you have a calculator (unless you are doing a pre-arranged deal where everything is laid out for you). Then take your time, take a deep breath and go for it. I’d suggest using a self-scan so you can take your time. Also, just to be certain you’re hitting all the right price points, don’t scan your Jewel card until the end. The prices will all come off at the end anyway, but not before you make sure you hit that $25 sweet spot. If you’re off, throw in a filler.

      Hope I didn’t get too preachy. Take it slow and you’ll do fine.

  2. Thank you so much, really helpful, not preachy 🙂 I’ll keep watching your site, like I do anyway, and probably start Wednesday. I was thinking of trying to see about the Hunt’s Snack Packs today just to get a feel for the deal and Monday a.m. is usually a pretty dead time at my Jewel. Thanks again!

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