Jewel again?

Yeah, I’m glad to be back shopping at Jewel.  Always better when you know the store personnel and the policies aren’t written in shifting sand…

Here we have 15 bottles of Wesson oil, run in sets of 5.  This was a special order placed last week.  Ended up spending $2.72 on each run, again rolling a prior $10 cat.

Took the sole package of Sparkle paper towels on the shelf:  it was lonely and looking for a good home.  seriously!  Added 6 cans of soup and spent $1.79 OOP, since those cats were arollin’.

Realized that I was going to need to increase in my special orders on the Angel Soft and Sparkle, so met with asst mgr and upped it.  He’s only been at this store for about two weeks – he must have freaked at the way I was casually  mentioning 10 cases of toilet paper, 2 additional of Hungry Jack pancake syrup, etc.  Either that or my family suffers terribly from amoebic dysentery.

Important Note:  Jill Cataldo posts her deals on Monday morning.  If you plan to hit the stores on this deal – do it today or at least stop by and place your special order today.  We know what we’re doing and why and what triggers the catalinas.  So many newbies (obviously not all) have no interest in learning, just gimme my free stuff.  If it doesn’t work, they blame the employees!  So why get in the middle of a clusterfuck?

Posted in Jewel

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