
A sad day, only one card left with HC mixers!  And only a buck!  I’d light a candle in church but 1) it wouldn’t do any good, 2) don’t do church, which leads to  3) why waste a perfectly good candle?

Got a message that the Lisle Jewel (not sure about others) had split chicken breasts for .99/lb.  Combine this with the current BOGO promotion and you’re looking at .50/lb for chicken breasts, definitely a stock-up price to me.  They had already run out, but substituted and repriced four packages for me.  That’s something everyone should be doing.  If you don’t see an item, ask for it:  if it’s sold out or otherwise unavailable, ask if they’ll substitute something of equal value.   Note that phrase because even I know not to ask for filet mignon when you’re trying to score cheap round steak.  I picked up 2 cases of the Clementines because we need to eat more fruit and, frankly, I’m tired of monkey breath.

I’ve stopped waiting around for the pan stickers and will get them when I redeem my coupons.  PITA scored 7 from someone who didn’t want them.  Go, PITA!

Total OOP was $32.85, a lot I know!  I’ll be getting back $7 for the HC coupons and $1.65 for the Eagle coupons.  I used BOGO chicken coupons, BOGO coupons on the clearance meat and a $5 Stockman & Dakota coupon when you spend at least $25 (pre-coupon).

Posted in Jewel

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