Hello Jewel, long time no sea, or quick, where’s the fake crabs?

Once again I stop at Jewel desperately seeking my gummy vitamins (they hadn’t called, but I was full of hope and other things…).  The Osco mgr said that none had come in on the order so she was putting it through again for Tuesday delivery.  Good thing I snatched the last few from the shelf yesterday.  yeah, tough!

Since I was there anyway, decided to avail myself of a few more cans of soup and that fako crabbo, except this time it was actually fako lobstero and quite tasty.  Detoured around the pancake syrup aisle, and picked up 9 cans of Healthy Choice soup ($2.89 x 9 = 26.01, so over the $25 threshold).  Since the actual preferred total would be only $7.92, I needed to throw a couple of bucks in the pot, so to speak, so I could roll over a prior $10 cat.  Added the mini French loaves for $2.29.  My actual OOP for this ended up at .49.

Posted in Jewel

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2 thoughts on “Hello Jewel, long time no sea, or quick, where’s the fake crabs?

  1. The Jewel on 59 and 52 in Shorewood has 17 bottles.

    I only know because that is the number of bottles I special ordered that they refused to sell me because the coupon says one per person per visit.

    So I walked away with none and they also ripped up my raincheck.

    Yeah… F- Them.

    • Note who told you that and avoid that bitch like a Jehovah’s Witness. Another acceptable alternative would be to hit another Jewel/Osco with your raincheck, since it can be used at any store. Obviously you’re screwed now because they tore up your raincheck, but for the next time. Hey, wanna buy some gummy vitamins? cheap?…

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