CW reports that the GM catalina is still printing as of this morning – based on past experience, if it works in the am, it’ll last all day (Con Agra deal was the same). Unfortunately, many of the prices have changed (Progresso is now $1.50 preferred), so double-check the shelf tags before you start ringing.
One thing still at the old price is the $1 brownie mix. I know most stores sold out of this, so if your store restocked overnight, hit ’em hard and fast. This is the regular box, not the deluxe. Buy 11, pay a buck. If you want frosting with this mix, pick up 4 frosting and 7 mixes, pay $13 get back $13 (a double dip here). If you want the deluxe mixes, take 6 and add 4 frosting to get back the $13. (Note that this one will be $5 OOP, still a great deal).
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