Dominicks and Tide Stain Release

It has now been commented upon by every site on Earth:  the P&G ecoupons which are supposed to take $3 off the Tide Stain Release (making it free) aren’t working.   The P&G offices closed early on Friday, so can only hope that Tuesday shows it’s been corrected.

When I bought my Tide Stain Release last week, I noticed that the grocery total was $6 (crazy high, I know, for groceries – I mean, why should I have to pay to do laundry?).  I asked the cashier if she was sure my Fresh Values card had scanned – it had.  Then I asked if all the ecoupons had come off and sure enough, the P&G one had not.  I was going to tell her to just take off the Tide, when she hit a few keys and took off the $3.  At the time, I thought it was because I had loaded it onto my card less than 24 hours earlier and so it hadn’t yet registered.  Which was why I posted the deal.  Now, I have to tell everyone that if you haven’t yet done this deal, wait until Tuesday or Wednesday.  I’ll keep checking and when I learn it’s been fixed I’ll post immediately.  If you’ve already done the deal and haven’t yet opened the package, return it to Dominicks and get your money back.  I’d suggest waiting until the glitch has been fixed so you can just rering the same product.

Posted in Dominicks

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One thought on “Dominicks and Tide Stain Release

  1. Look over on jillcataldo’s website forum – two of us now have info from P&G that it’s not a glitch – it’s a double up issue. Perhaps you have the magic fix when you told your cashier that you were missing coupons. I went thru self-check so no magic buttons for me to push.

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