
My first stop was the Dominicks in Woodridge; hadn’t been there since the shelf-clearing.   No Quaker Squares, so picked up these four Better Oats using two BOGOs.  Since it’s Dominicks, the price is crazy high either with or without a coupon, so used one of the $1.25 OYNO from the CPK and handed over $.86.  And on to


the Western Springs Dominicks…Picked up everything here for $24.59.  Yeah, a lot of money, but I did get quite a few high-ticket items.

2 eight o’clock coffee; 6 CPK singlea pizzas, 1 Cool Juice; 3 dozen vegetarian eggs; 3 Ocean Spray juice blends; 2 boxes Cheese Nips; 1 bag Flaming Hot Cheetos; 2 bags Lays Kettle Cooked and 1 regular chips and 7 boxes Quaker Oats Squares.  The eggs were 50% off; used 3 juice wts; 5 salty snack wts; 1 free Cool Juice coupon (posted this a couple of months ago); 7 $1 coupons for cereal; 2 $4 coffee wts and a $1.25 OYNO from the CPK purchase yesterday.  THE BOY complains that there’s no more room in the freezers or refrigerators – and that’s a good feeling.

Also got a rain check for 10 more cereal.
Posted in Dominicks

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12 thoughts on “Dominicks

  1. Why so much for the Better Oats?
    Was it because the BOGO didn’t go high enough to cover Dom’s inflated price?

    • Bingo. I’m just trying it out to appease the DH. This stuff is crazy high. $3.19 when the coupon value is up to $2.19, so you know it’s a rip. A better example was yesterday’s attempt to buy the Coke 12 packs: B2G2 means the first pack is $6.99 so $13.98 divided by four equals $3.49 a 12 pack. Have you ever seen anyone pay $3.50 for a 12 pack of sale Coke before? that wasn’t high on narcotics? Apparently Dominicks has.

  2. $3.19?? Isn’t this the stuff that goes on sale for a buck all the time?

    … and note that the free coupons from My Coke Rewards now only go up to $4.99 when previously they didn’t have a limit. Methinks they got tired of them coming in from Dominick’s/Safeway 🙂

    • The Better Oats are about three bucks a box on Amazon (when you buy three). This is one of those “all natural” whole oats, designer-looking boxes. I think you open the pouch and pour the water right in. And no, I would never buy this full price, considering I have a zillion boxes of both instant and the tube cartons. PITA eats two pouches for breakfast every weekday morning. As soon as the weather improves (maybe MAY), she’ll probably switch to cold cereal (Oat Squares).

    • My Coke Rewards coupons were for different amounts, which of course the Dominick’s cashier more than happy to point out yesterday. One was $4.99 the other was $5.99. I thought I was remembering that they didn’t have a limit.

      • See Rachel’s comments above about the Coke Rewards and Safeway’s interpretation of usual and customary charges.

  3. Hey Deranged Goddess, I scored BIG at Super Kmart tonight. It’s true what they say about the mandatory 70’s dress code just to shop there. But it’s totally worth it. We are talking 2 carts full of free cereal, pop tarts, bologna, and yogurt here. I only paid tax. So there.

    • But you first had to enter Kmart… Seriously, shoot a picture to the goddess and I’ll be happy to post your bounty. Send the picture along with a list of what you got. Deals like that should be shared with the world. You know that we’re the only ones who can appreciate your cleverness.

  4. Doing that would invite all sorts of hen-pecking that I HATE so much. So, here are some tasty tidbits to prove that I got what I said I got: The Bar S beef bologna isn’t on sale, I got cotto salami, paid just tax. The Danonino is 2.29, so I paid .29 + tax, 3. Kelloggs is where I got all my coupons for the cereal but I did break down & use the ones from the Trib too for .33 boxes + tax. You get a child-size receipt that’s about 2″ small even though there was way more detail than that. When they ring it, they select scanned coupons to match up on each item right in front of you. I liked that, but it took for e ver to checkout. They email you the long detailed receipt. They only double 10 coupons and are in the overage cheaters club. Danonino made it a bit higher than tax. I’m set for … a while!

    • You’re using a Super Kmart, right? I don’t know of any around here and frankly, the Kmart corporate site sucks. No way to search for Supers. I like the matching coupons to items as you go along, so there’s no questions at the end. A mini receipt? That’s really odd. I haven’t scored at Kmart since the doubles events of 2009 (I think), before they started that stupid loyalty program requirement. But boy then did I really clean up!

  5. Picked up lots more free cereal, 44 cent pop tarts & On Cor family dinners for 40 cents each. Salisbury Steak was out of stock (you can get rainchecks but cpn dblng is not extended so there’s no point), so I got On Cor turkey dinners, which I prefer anyway). Tried to find Simply Orange for $1 cost after cpn, but it was simply a no-go. Cashier was really nice. This time I got long receipts, and now have a bunch of the $3 off $30 coupons.

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