Dollar Tree & Amazon finds

Had my last final (History) today, so now it’s smooth sailing until Fall term at COD; I’ll be taking only one yoga class and working at my own pace on something I find interesting and using a Dummies book.  At least the price is right!  One book cost me $111 in January (used) and they offered $28 to buy it back.  I’ll wait until Fall, thanks!

Pita saw a bunch of clearance frozen items at Amazon today – I grabbed a Butterball premium turkey breast for only $2.18 – sucker was frozen hard as a rock!  Into the chest freezer it went until grilling season commences.

Dollar Tree had lots of unique items, all for considerably more money at Amazon and Walmart.  Their dupe of The Pink Stuff seems to be the same, only with a thicker paste.

Posted in Amazon

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