Coupon Nazi update

Well, apparently Mary aka Coupon Nazi is back and completely refreshed after her few days off (stalker-cam). A reader stopped by last night to pick up a few items: OJ, produce, just a small order. Mary refused to accept wts, saying “I can’t take these because they’re expired.” When told that Dominicks takes expired coupons back one year (news flash!), she replied that Dominicks had changed their policy effective January 1. Reader asked to see a copy of the new policy and was told that employees aren’t allowed to hand out corporate documents. (again, no surprise). So reader said that the new policy should be available on the website, right? (hello smart phones!) Apparently, corporate hasn’t gotten around to updating their coupon policy online… Reader left items on belt and walked out. lather, rinse, repeat…

The only thing that surprises me about the above is that psycho broad continues to use the same lines – can’t she come up with anything more original? And no matter how many calls get placed to corporate about her, like the Energizer Bunny, she just keeps going and going. unfortunately, not out the door…

Posted in Dominicks

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