There has been a shitstorm posted already about the J’aime Kirlew “coupon fraud” segment on EC Wednesday night. I’m not going to jump up on a soapbox here (although dumber than a box of rocks does spring to mind), so don’t worry. I’ve always said that if there were a way to get stuff for better than free – and no one would ever know about it – I’d be in. But this is the real world, folks, and I have to shop in the same stores day in and day out. Burning bridges only works on TLC, where fraud and lunacy seem to rule the day. and spike ratings…
Having made all those highfaluting comments above, I decided to see if I could use the high value Crest whitening strips on Tide. I tried the $10 coupon from the 4/3 P&G AND a $10 coupon from the card with the white strips sample. Nothing, nada, zero, zip, zilch. Register just kept claiming “Product not found.” Imagine that. So while I know there are sites out there which decipher coupon codes to see just which family products they will work on: 1) you need to spend an awful lot of time on this and 2) you need either an extremely dumb and lazy cashier or one who is hoping to get fired or someone working their last day or an accomplice. So you know what? I’ll stay honest just because it’s easier…and I’m lazy.
Now I’m off to score at PetSmart…’cause I got mine!
I made my husband watch the show with J’Aime (what is with that spelling?) and he wasn’t impressed. He had 2 words for her – Publicity Whore!!!