Gaze up my PITA standing in front of 100 (yes, you read correctly) 8-pks of Aquapods. We had a raincheck for 100 and placed a special order for them. Total OOP was $26.75 and cats received was $75. Oh, and we gots us lots of water…
A heads up here, peeps. I just read on CW that Ultra is supposed to have the Aquapods on sale next week for .88. Holy Fuckmonkeys that’s cheap. Whether or not it’s a good sale depends on 1) whether they have any in stock and 2) what their limit (if any) is.
I bought 26 at Ultra @1.25 each a week ago, went back in today to shop for other stuff, asked for my refund since it was .88 was told ‘we cant be doing that otherwise everyone would do that & we’d lose money’, then caught the glance of the mgr who rung me up & likes me for the big business I give the store, got back my $10.73, used that to pickup the crest toothpaste for .88-.75 cpn + Oscar Meyer bologna .88-.50/2 + cream chz .88 (Walmart does not have the Kraft ones for $1; they raise the prices whenever cpns come out like that $5 off 5 that I have been saving for something really special) + got 4.48 overage after all was said & done. See if the guy you gave shit loads of business to will do that for you, or at least give you a credit in giftcards. It does not hurt to ask, and if that doesnt work, keep asking at different stores until a really nice person relents, and if that doesnt work, write to the corporate HQ of the store, attach your receipts & ask nicely for a giftcard. It’s worth your while to do it.
Excellent advice, Sue. So many times I hear of people taking the first no as gospel and just leaving the store, or going to another store to see if the cs person will take care of them. Sometimes you just need to stand firm and ask for a manager since you are in the right. The store is getting back $1.50 for each set of two (plus handling costs) whether they sell them for $1.25, .88 or 3.99. Don’t blame the savvy consumer for upper level management screw-ups.