$3 Gain coupon

Update:  Coupondede has the Gain coupons for .50 handling fee.  Note that these have a maximum limit of 5 per order due to extremely limited quantities.

Another email from coupondede, saying she just got another large shipment of the $3 Gain coupons in.  If you haven’t yet ordered yours yet, jump on it.  The prices on all the various sites are going up.

Just a short post to let everyone know that if they didn’t get any or the quantity they want/need, coupondede sent out an email that she currently has a large number of the $3 Gain coupons. Don’t forget that coupons purchased through her not only ship fast, but also earn points.

Posted in Uncategorized

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One thought on “$3 Gain coupon

  1. Rant time. Some large-and-in-charge heifer I ran into at a Meijer of an undisclosed location saw me looking for the Gain. Like any hoss would, she used her sheer size to move right in front of me and crowd me out so she could ‘Gain’ more weight. I’m on a starvation diet now after seeing that gross display of weight Gain.

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