Wags today

I was on the phone with someone with questions (always questions!) about the Sinex deal.  I finally went down to the basement and grabbed a random box of Dayquil – looked at it carefully and realized that the expiration date was 4/2010.  Yeah, that’s right.  Not the usual thing for Wags, obviously someone screwing up at the warehouse.  I returned it for cash (obviously they were out of stock) and picked up the onion rings for the casserole dish that every family in America makes for holidays:  green bean casserole!  Since I have about a bazillion cans of the french-style green beans in the basement and a few cans of the cream of mushroom soup, the only thing missing was the topping.

Picked up 7 of these for $4.04.  If you actually calculate it, I didn’t pay for them because I got $5 cash back from the Dayquil return, but I only spent $2 on it originally.  go team!

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