Update: check back later, as I just learned that there may be a more profitable ending to this story…
Sorry to burst the bubble, peeps, but the Wags warehouse has really dropped the ball: they are completed out of stock and expect to have only 120 pieces come in this week. yeah, 120 for the entire Chicagoland area. I’ve got way more in my basement…
So, here’s what we can do about this: Though Steve can no longer take special orders for large amounts (waving a red flag to have “sold” 3,000 when the warehouse didn’t have that much stock), people wanting smaller amounts, say 20 or so, can still go in, pay and wait for their order to come in, sometime within the next couple of weeks. maybe use a couple of family members, friends, amenable strangers?
I have learned that many of the Chicago stores are still stocked, so a few phone calls could result in cash. Go to the Wag’s site and see what stores you will or could visit.
Don’t forget to roll those MotrinPM RRs into the Baby Magic lotion or body/hair wash near the end of the week. Steve is putting in a large order of these (warehouse is stocked) so there will be plenty more come Wednesday (call first to see what time). Pay a quarter, get a very nice, concentrated body wash and roll that RR for another week’s breathing room.
This Wags still has a large number of the Colgate toothpaste (400?). Stack the .75 (2/27S) or the $1 from Jan AY with the $1 store coupon from the Winter/Holiday D&Y (exp. 2/28). Pay $1.25 (or $1) and get back $3 in RRs.