Wags and Diaper info

Just quick run-through here, folks.  Picked up eight of the Right Guard body wash and four anti/deod. on the Wags BOGO sale using the BOGO coupons in 3/13 s.  Overage on deodorant meant I couldn’t use the $1/1 coupon on the Skinny Cow clearance ice cream, but since we’re only talking tax here, I’m not complaining.  I like to use the men’s body wash on the boy Moosies (makes them smell studly, even if the equipment’s missing…if you catch my meaning, if you get my drift…).

Steve’s Wags has a clearance on the Robitussin to go products:  .50 each.  Unfortunately, there are no coupons out there, but if you use this, grab it.  Note that this is a store-specific clearance, so don’t bitch when it’s not at your Wags.  Speaking of different Wags, I dropped in at the Lisle one to check out the clearance freezer items.  The same pasta and chicken items I bought yesterday for a quarter are priced at .79.   Yeah, like I’m gonna buy one for the same price I paid for three.  puhleez!  Other freezer items seem to be similarly priced by people high on drugs (which explains why they still have freezer items).

Diaper Deal

This week’s ad has the Premium Jumbo packs of diapers and training pants on BOGO for $8.99.  In the Walgreens Infant Care Booklet are store coupons for $2 off the diapers, so $4 will come off immediately and leave you at $4.99 for two jumbo packs of diapers.  Since this is a store coupon, you can use those RRs you’ve been accumulating to bring your total down to tax!  Since there’s no RR being issued, buy lots on the same transaction and use the same store coupon.   Note the coupon does not work on the training pants.  (If you can’t find the booklets anywhere in the store, the coupon code to enter is 2844)

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2 thoughts on “Wags and Diaper info

    • Short answer? Cashier screwed up. I didn’t even realize what had happened until I was in the car puzzling over the total. The deodorants were ringing up at $3.99, but the cashier had taken $4.49 (coupon max) for all coupons. The overage brought down the total to where the $1 Skinny Cow coupon would have gone into tax.

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