Thank you for flying Pervy Airlines – we’ve got your junk covered

WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the Transportation Security Administration is acknowledging that the new pat-downs are more invasive than what travelers were used to in the past. [unless they’re used to naked Twister or Hide the Weinie party games]

TSA administrator John Pistole says he has received the new pat-down, as has his boss, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Some travelers complain that the new inspections target sensitive body areas. Pistole says he understands those privacy concerns, but says the government must provide the best possible security for air travelers. [so the way to catch the next shoe/foot bomber is to have a TSA toe-sucker]

Pistole was testifying before a Senate committee about TSA policies and procedures. The hearing was scheduled before the recent outrage about airport security pat-downs.

So maybe normal people should just start taking trains and let the pervs fly all they want.  Can you imagine the delight of the creepy old guy on Family Guy?  He’d be taking short hops all around the country for quick gropes.

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