Kim just reported on this great deal at Target:
I know this is last minute but the deal is good through tomorrow (8/28)….Target has a great deal on women’s Schick Quattro 3-pack of disposable razors. (The purple ones ONLY.) They are on sale for $5.49….I had many $3 MQ [7/25 S] and also $2 Target Q’s[8/22 SS] on any Schick Quattro razors….they were both from Sunday inserts but can’t tell you which ones…not THAT organized!). Any-hoo….through tomorrow, if you buy 2, you get a $5 gift card. Pay $.98 and get $5. Soooo, I bought 6 packs…(18 razors), paid $3 and got $15 back! Very fun! Came home to find I have more Q’s…Ugh! I feel compelled to go back tomorrow…..can never be too smooth, right?
Thanks, Kim. I’ll probably head over there tomorrow evening. It’s not like I have a real social life, after all. I still have a bunch of those gift cards from one of the other razor deals (maybe Hydro?), so eventually I’ll be putting out cash. Well, maybe not…