Somewhere over the rainbow

and now that i have your attention…

This Wags with product does not exist.  I just brought some from my basement stash, shelved them, snapped the picture and took them back.   When Steve came out of his office they were on the shelf and he about had a stroke!  So, no, Wheaton has NO MotrinPM in stock at all.  Do not go there thinking this picture is anything but a pipe dream.  cause it ain’t.  One of my readers is road tripping it to Rochelle, IL where she has located 40+ MotrinPM.  She plans to pair it up with the Tylenol Precise.  Will make only $2 per transaction, but more transactions.   I’ll update as I hear more ’cause it’s a cool idea (and not very far away).

The new Diabetes & You Spring 2011 issue is out: 

As is a new beauty booklet that was put out today.

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21 thoughts on “Somewhere over the rainbow

    • I’ve offered a couple of hundred to him already, but the inventory count would be so screwed up. I said you could just sell and say the warehouse messed things up. Didn’t work. I told him to claim that his store has the opposite of “employee shrinkage.” again no dice… I really wanted to help you all and Beat da Man(ufacturer), but I was thwarted in my attempts…

  1. I passed on this deal because I just can’t use the PM stuff. Weird’s me out bad!!! So, I have to ask what will you do with it all and when does it expire?
    Just curious.

    • In the first place, it didn’t matter whether you could use it or would use it. It is a $3 MM for each transaction using the $6/2 coupon. So buy 2, hand over coupon and pay .11: get your $3 RR. If you had limited Motrin you could always buy one Motrin and one Tylenol Precise. Spend $1 plus tax and get back $3 for the Motrin. Gets your Motrin purchases to go further. My family has no trouble using this PM stuff, so that’s good. The dates I’ve gotten/seen are at least 12/11 to 4/12. If you are unable to use this and have no family or friends who want it, you can always donate it to your local food pantry. This stuff is a great thing for them to get because it’s not something they can spend food dollars to purchase. Welcome to my site.

      • Thank you for your kind response. I was in no way meaning to be rude or judgmental about your purchase. I am new to this and was simply curious.

    • Jill, Jill, Jill… Do you realize that asking someone what they will do with their buys is a privacy-invading question? It insinuates that you deserve an answer when you deserve ZERO. Why people spend their money on whatever they buy is absolutely no business of ANYONE’s what-so-ever. So STOP. FYCuriosity, I decided to make a Morbid Motrin Halloween gingerbread house out of mine. And, I’m Gonna pop my pills from a Pez dispenser. Hey, hey I wanna be a rockstar.

  2. I for some reason had a good chuckle with the comments I just read, hahaha, HhhIiiilllariousssss!!!!!! I have 5 $6/2 coupons I was never ever able to use after 29 Walgreens trips because there was never any and we do use this stuff, if abybody has any extra bottles they would like to trade for coupons let me know. Thanks

    • The beauty books had just come in that day at Wags and there were stacks on the counter by the cosmetics register.

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