Figured it was about time to call up those competent marketing folks at Sobe, since the last coupon we received had a December 31 expiration date. Good news! They have not bothered to change their Sobe voice prompt; now I can learn all about that Sobe Challenge once again... Maybe they should rename it Clue, since they definitely need one.
Even though the customer service girl was absolutely certain we were in the database and would get our coupons, I had her check. We can all rest easy now, since yes, we are in the computer for processing (their numbers were right, too) and the replacement coupons being mailed have an expiration date of February 28, 2011.
We will probably get them on the 27th!
Christ on a cracker – Mary on a matzo! I never thought of that! I guess Sobe and I will be phone pals forever and I will be forced to use the expireds at Dominicks. Ooh, road trip to DG Dominicks (on Ogden) where we can all present our FREE coupons to whichever register Mary is working … such fun!!