I’m not pushing certificates today, because, frankly, the current “deal” just isn’t…well, at least to me and to anyone who has ever bothered to take my advice. ahem, now where was i? oh, yeah… Remember when I told you that restaurants typically have a set number of vouchers they release? I spoke with someone a few days ago who was trying to find restaurants in Naperville/surrounding areas, but wasn’t coming up with many. If you need/want a specific restaurant and see it today, then book it while it’s available, because, as my reader found out, there is no guarantee that it will be there at the end of the month.
If you purchased a number of vouchers and kept them in blank (gift certificates they’re called on the site), check which restaurants have reset and print out vouchers for the restaurants you want. If you change your mind, call customer service and they’ll make the switch.