Let’s face it, we all have pet peeves, and usually add more and more to our plate. But is it our fault? Other than the deny all responsibility for any of our actions faction, why must we keep being bombarded with print images of sometimes disturbing things (think children needing surgeries) and others designed to piss me off. well, that last one was sure a shocker, right?
Now here’s one I can’t seem to get away from…the woman in the Life Alert ads who lives alone through the grace of Life Alert (and god, I would imagine). I sit surrounded by dogs, cats, puppies and cases of Libby’s vegetables and think “Damn, I want that life!” Woman looks happy, well-rested, years younger than me and can probably go for days without hearing “come clean up the crap – one of your puppies shit in the living room” or variations on this theme…
Got any pet peeves of your own. Well, of course you do! Send ’em on in…