Little Village (26th Street, Chicago)

¡Hola!  DH decided he really needed a Maxwell Street Polish so off we went to Chicago on a frolicking detour.   Ate too much.  Next, a tour of Mexico, where we parked and I just had to run into the Wags to see if they had any Sinex – no shit, I did.  Well, they had some and I had rain checks and coupons but ran one test transaction and the RR didn’t print.  I had read it was a month-long RR, so was surprised, but at least I can drive there for my Sinex MM jones.

We also stopped at a panaderia (bakery) for …. stuff.  lots and lots and lots of … stuff.

Then, as if we didn’t have enough “stuff,” we stopped at the El Milagro tortilla “factory” and picked up 7 dozen tortillas for $2 and  $1.75 for a bag of the same chips they sell in whitepeoplesland for mucho dinero (I am fluent in food and money).

Oh, almost forgot the dozen tamales ($11) and the large container of pico de gallo.  Crap, just realized how much we spent – single-handedly floating the Little Village economy!

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