Holiday Giveaway #2 THE WINNER Update

Melissa contacted me with the news that her house has been hit hard by the flu – for the past month (people throwing up is not something you want to prolong, people).  Since it doesn’t seem to be going away, she’s afraid to come out to receive the prize and wants to allow another person to win.  Thanks for your consideration, Melissa…

The new winner is……BETH!!!!!  (please don’t forget to slip the PITA a gratuity)

I have not yet received a response from Melissa;  I’ve extended the deadline to tomorrow at 5 pm; after that I’ll be selecting a new winner.

And we have a winner!!  Melissa (who longs to be not pregnant) was selected using our highly scientific method of having the PITA pick a name.  I defy anyone to do a better job.   In the unlikely event that Melissa doesn’t contact me by Sunday morning, I’ll have the PITA choose again.   I like these giveaways, so now I’m working on another…

Putting this out early enough for Christmas, too late for Chanukah, too bad… I have a complete, new desktop aquarium to give out.  It’s an Aqueon Mini Bow 1 Aquarium and comes with these items:

Mini Bow Quiet Flow Filter and Cartridge
7 Watt Incandescent Bulb
Aquarium Set-up and Care Guide
Water Conditioner
Premium Fish Food

I think I have more “stuff” to add to this package, but not sure what.  Set sells for about $50 (including shipping) on eBay; not sure of “retail” price.  Just comment on this post and you might win!  Giveaway period ends on Friday at 5 pm, when the PITA will draw a winner.  Note:  You must be able to meet with me to accept this, as the shipping costs would be pretty high.  unless you are crazy enough to pay your own shipping….

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15 thoughts on “Holiday Giveaway #2 THE WINNER Update

    • Oh, puhleez! If I could incubate fetuses in there, don’t you think I’d be raking in the bucks on eBay and Amazon? and just imagine the wall o’ aquariums in the Duggars’ house.

      • Ok…I am afraid to ask but how did you save the fish, cpr? LOL I meant I am sincerely saddened by my puppy dog being old and dying before my eyes so I would much rather have a fish to like you say Admin, I could flush. But please geneva, tell me how you saved to fish so that if indeed I win, I promise to take care of it until the day the flush comes!

        • DS, instead of doing his homework, noticed Goldie the goldfish had large piece of gravel stuck in its mouth and was swimming erratically while repeatedly trying to open its mouth. Scooped it out of the tank, put Goldie on the counter and with a sharp knife at the side of its mouth, pried out the gravel. Marvelled at the size of the piece until DS said, Mom!! put Goldie bank in the tank, he’s still on the counter! oh crap! Goldie lived for about 2 more years!

          Silvia, sorry your beloved puppy. We’ve been there too.

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