If you were thinking you’d have to actually buy the cream of mushroom soup for your green bean casserole – stop thinking!! Here’s a link to a Campell’s promotion where you print the group of four coupons (worth $5) two times (backspace). Take these over to Target where they are saving a .50/can Campbell’s cooking soups sale. Now we’ll see if they really have straightened out their register problems. Seems a little fishy that their complex register problems from August were repaired within a few days of television coverage…call me a cynic…
Update: There may be either a glitch or these coupons are reaching their print limit – either way, you may not be able to print the $1.50/3 coupons at all and possibly not the $1/3. That’s why I prefer inserts – no print limits!
well, that was a waste of time…told me I’d already printed these coupons. don’t think so 🙁
I had my husband print them out; he clicked all of them, but only the $1/3 coupons printed and only one time. The second time the screen said he had reached his limit (How did it even know he’d been drinking beer!)