I love going to farmers markets. Well, up until this year, anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the fresh produce, bakery items, etc., but my garden really turned out well and I found myself needing fewer and fewer items: admission here – I haven’t gone in a couple of months! I literally have the world’s largest supply of butternut squash in the yard waiting to be picked and stored for the winter. My tater tower tires should furnish a bumper crop. My cukes need to be picked again and while my pumpkins didn’t turn out in plural, I still got one gigantic one to carve and put out for Halloween.
So I’ve been meaning to make a trip just for my winter stock-up items, in this case, only onions. Onions store very well all through the winter, kept cool and dry in the basement. Today is the last market day, dumbass! Got out there and got this big box of yellow, sweet and red onions for $20. DH says why so expensive? obviously he does not do the grocery shopping…
Note: I also try to pick up some bakery stuff from Elena’s Cucina, which has the most incredible biscotti and pizzas. If you’re ever in the Roselle area, it’s at 809 West Lake Street, suite 106. I’ve never been out there, but since the market will be closed until spring, might just make a trip there. Not cheap, but very high quality foods.