I’m not posting any DG deals or anything, just letting you know that DG has store coupons on their web site which stack with mfr ones for extra savings. I suggest you click here for coupons and then sign up for weekly emails. In addition to the world’s largest supply of Frank’s hot sauce in my basement, I’ve also picked up Gain dish soap, Olay body wash both for men and women and 8 o’clock coffee. Almost forgot about the 20 cases of Libby’s vegetables. All were either free or MMs (except for the small OOP on the veggies).
We’re so programmed to think in terms of food = grocery stores, that we miss some sweet deals in other places. If any of you have favorite non-traditional places to pick up grocery and household items for free or cheap, post and let us know. We’re all over the map here, so don’t worry about protecting your own private treasure store!