CW Update – bumpity, bump, bump


Received the following email in the wee hours (Tazz is the administrator)

CW is having issues.  We are hoping that all will be cleared up by tomorrow at the latest.

We apologize for having the forum down for this long.

Our temporary forums is:

Please note, you will need to register to use this site. It is only temporary and will be shut down once CW is back to normal.

Thank you


Front page comes up, but you can’t access any posts because you are not logged in.  Can’t log in because it doesn’t recognize your name/password.  Enter email and it has no record of you.  i’m getting depressed…

I’m a Couponers Wanted addict – hi, Chris.  Having said that, it’s been down for a couple of days.  Like everyone else, when the 403 and 404 error came up I thought I’d done something really rotten and gotten banned.  Now, you have to understand that it would have to be really, really rotten to get the boot from CW, but still… Last night about 10:30 there was an update from the Administrator, which read as follows:

Unhappy CW has been compromised

In a big way. Will be down until tomorrow night. I put a request to my other hosting company for a redirect back to the forum that was here in March. So hopefully in a few hours it will redirect back to that one. If for some reason it sucks more than this rigged backdoor version, I’ll put this one back on, which I really don’t want to do.

My computer dude will be working on it.

I am really sorry that CW is down. I know people have been emailing me like crazy. I can’t access the cpanel to do a mass email to all the members to let them know.

Please keep checking with us. I’m more bummed than before.


Frankly, I’d be surprised if most of the posters hadn’t been “compromised” at some point in the past, but I digress.  I’ll bump up this post with updates.  Does caffeine ease withdrawal symptoms?

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