Ran in to check some items at CVS. Wanted to burn some ecbs, but was unable to do so on this hair color deal – too low! Picked up nine L’Oreal hair colors, using a combination of the $5/2 and $2/1 from 2/20 rp. My OOP was $2.06 and got back $5 in ecbs. sweet!
I’ll stop by later this week and run the Crest toothpaste and rinse a few times.
I really like this new store. The manager is a sweetheart, the staff are always begging to help you find “stuff.” I’m going to have to make more of an effort to put together more deals. Stores that get couponers deserve to have lots of business…
ok, when are we openin’ the hair salon ’cause between us we’ve got more hair color than we can use in our lifetime!! And MUM isn’t a blonde either. just sayin’ in case you were gonna’ get some for her…
And what will Steve say when he finds out??
I should hope I know what color MUM is: I’ve bought her plenty of hair color! PITA is a light blond, but she has a couple of years worth stored already. I’ll have a stockpile sale in the spring: Sinex; MotrinPM; hair color (only the GOOD brands); Baby Magic lotion and wash; deodorant; razors and shaving gel. My shoppers will be very well groomed…
freakin’ stuck in the office, can I buy some of your Baby Magic with my Motrin coupons?? i need a life.
Ooooh, cheatin’ on Steve with the CVS, I’m telllling.
(Boy would I make a _terrible_ blonde.)